Bringing Your Food Stories and Recipes to the World
The role of a book collaborator typically involves co-writing, project-managing, coaching, editing, recipe-testing, or a combination of those things…
But there are a zillion other details beyond the word processing that go into a successful cookbook: writing a proposal, finding an agent, planning a storyline, testing recipes, organizing photo shoots, crafting a marketing plan…the list goes on. I’ve been involved in every phase of the process — from ideation through execution and promotion. My services vary from one client to the next, depending on their specific needs. With every project I learn so much, and it’s my mission to use this knowledge every way I can to help others share their food stories with the world.
DIY Workshops!
Cookbooks for Keeps
Whether your goal is to write a bestselling cookbook or to create a shareable archive of family recipes and their stories, it’s hard to know where or how to start. I am now offering group sessions to equip you with the knowledge you’ll need to self-publish a volume sure to be cherished by your loved ones. If you have have higher ambitions, consider this your warm-up! Stay tuned on this site for the next scheduled event. Or email me at spuckett0909@gmail if you’re interested in hiring me to design a workshop — in person or remotely — to fit your groups needs.
Cookbook collaboration.
I love assisting chefs and aspiring cookbook authors who want to tell their stories. Words are only part of what I have to offer. I also connect my clients with agents and publishers, help them to create and edit proposals, write query letters, advise them on marketing strategies that get editors’ attention, and more.
Consulting and coaching.
I have taught cooking classes and served as a judge for both cooking and writing competitions. I also spent a semester as an adjunct instructor in a magazine-writing journalism class at the University of Mississippi, and have spoken or served on panels at many events. I have organized some of them as well. I can present or lead training sessions on a variety of topics including narrative writing, cookbook development and trends, the art of the recipe, and more.
This Work May Include Any Or All Of The Following:
Brainstorming and conceptualizing the idea;
Researching the publishing market to assess the competition and identify the target audience for the concept;
Putting together a proposal for an agent to shop to publishers;
Working with publicity teams to hone plans for broadening platforms;
Researching, testing, and editing recipes;
Putting together action plans in accordance with production schedules;
Conducting interviews and observing the client in the kitchen or work environment;
Writing in the client’s voice, or coaching and editing the client’s work if he/she feels comfortable at the keyboard;
Helping assemble production teams based on needs and available resources (photographers, recipe testers, food and prop stylists, etc.);
Communicating with editors and agents as needed;
Assisting on photo shoots;
Proofreading the final manuscript;
Connecting the client with media opportunities;
Making referrals.
Who Can Most Benefit From My Services?
I enjoy working with people from diverse backgrounds, demographics, and perspectives. I have a deep knowledge of Southern food in particular, and interest in all food topics as they relate to culture, geography, history, and sustainability. I gravitate toward clients who share these interests, as well as a desire to give back to their communities and make a positive impact on the world.
How Much Will It Cost?
Writing a book is typically a deeply personal, soul-baring, experience. It can take many months, or even years, to get it right. Sharing this journey with another party requires a level of trust, respect, and openness that is not acquired overnight. To allow us time to get acquainted, I have broken the process down into a series of shorter-term commitments. At each stage, I will use my deep experience and industry knowledge to help you develop your concept, along with a plan of action for completion that fits within your budget.